All About Child Prodigies

Whether you are reading this article as a student, parent, or educator, you have undoubtedly heard about the term child prodigy at least once in your lifetime. Although it may sound incredibly complicated, the definition is quite simple as it is for designated children (under 18) who are exceptionally gifted or talented in a particular ability.
Many different factors potentially influence a child prodigy, including social, environmental, and genetic. Additionally, a few methods to determine these traits. Let’s get started!
Determining A Child Prodigy
In the past couple of decades, one of the most discussed factors has been “general intelligence.” There have been numerous studies suggesting that child prodigies mostly do have a high g factor.
Still, researchers also determined that someone who scores high on these tests doesn’t necessarily have to be a child prodigy. So how to know the difference? The current theories suggest that child prodigies don’t only excel in intelligence but also their motivation.
Additionally, in the last few years, numerous experts started relating a child prodigy to autism and savant syndrome. While these two aren’t interconnected, it is quite impressive that although Savants mostly score low in “general intelligence,” they are incredibly profound in certain spheres. As another critical determinant, researchers have listed genetics and perception traits that those children are born with.
One of the most impressive studies relevant to the child prodigies has to be that involving PET scans. It showed that these children are using their left hemisphere and the parahippocampal and right hemisphere when it comes to problem-solving. This means that unlike most other students/adults, they are activating long-term memory storage and thus being more efficient in finding a solution to complex problems.
Observing A Child Prodigy
One of the best ways to know a child prodigy is by focusing on whether your child, student or friend may be particularly interested in a specific sphere. In most cases, child prodigies will devote a lot of their time towards one particular skill while performing average in all other areas. They also show extreme proficiency in acquiring knowledge and learning new skills in that area without much effort.
As mentioned above, because they mostly use long-term memory storage, child prodigies are likely to have different learning approaches and invest a lot of alone time towards mastering that particular skill.
Supporting A Child Prodigy
Much like we all do, child prodigies need to be appropriately guided and supported. Thus, it is your role as a parent or an educator to study this matter and help them enhance their prodigious abilities.
Concluding Thoughts
Throughout history, many famous child prodigies, including Pablo Picasso, Marie Curie, Enrico Fermi, and Bobby Fischer all left a significant impact in their sphere. With this in mind, you must look for the signs of a child prodigy (whether it is your kid or someone you know) to help them unveil their true potential.