Use our handy GPA Calculator to calculate your college GPA, record your semester grades and automatically track your cumulative academic performance.

    Cumulative GPA
  • Class

  • Class

  • Semester

  • Semester

  • Using the Calculator

    Enter the name, letter grade and the number of credit hours (typically 3–4) for every course you’re enrolled in or have successfully completed, beginning with your first college semester.

    Add additional courses and semesters using the red buttons, and remove items using the delete buttons (Xs) on the right. The calculator will automatically save your data for the next time you visit. Cool, right?

    How to Use the College GPA Calculator

    We know that college can be challenging, but you can take a load off by using our online calculator to calculate your college GPA. You can easily calculate your semester GPA in just 3 steps, or you can add more courses and semesters to figure out your cumulative GPA.

    Step-by-Step Tutorial

    To calculate your college GPA, follow the steps below. Only 1–3 are required; the rest are optional but recommended.

    Enter the name of your course

    In the initial column, place your courses name. This will allow you to keep a record of which grade is assigned to which class.

    Enter the grade you received in the course

    Next, enter the grade you received in that course by choosing a letter grade from the dropdown.

    Enter the number of credits you earned for the course

    Finally, enter your course’s credit hours to compute your GPA (most college classes are worth 3 or 4 credits).

    Skip the “weighted” column

    You can skip the “weighted” column, as it is only to be used by high school students who wish to calculate their high school GPA.

    Add an additional course (optional)

    Select “add course” to add an additional row to your semester. Then repeat steps 1–3 for the added semester.

    Add an additional semester (optional)

    Hit the “add semester” button to add additional semesters. You can record all your semesters to find out your cumulative GPA!

    Bookmark, Visit, and Update

    We hope our calculator made your life just a little bit easier. When you return to our site, your GPA data will be here. Revisit our site after each semester to record your new grades and tally up a current cumulative GPA.