Not to Miss Gifted & Special Education Conferences in 2020

Looking for a gifted education or special education conference to attend in 2020? Don’t worry, just check out our list below.
Special education conferences
1. Higher Education Consortium for Special Education Summit January 15-18, 2020/Washington, DC
HESCE fights for higher education professionals who are involved in the development of educator preparation programs. HECSE brings together advocates, researchers, educators, and policymakers to talk about the latest trends, research, and developments in special education.
2. CARD Conference January 17-19, 2020/Orlando, FL
The Centers for Autism & Related Disorders offers participants opportunities to explore best practices in education for autistic students. Attendees will have the chance to participate in roundtable discussions, simulations, talks, keynote speeches, breakout sessions, presentations, etc.
3. Council for Exceptional Children 2020 February 5-8, 2020/Portland, Oregon
The CEC 2020 conference provides four days of meetings for educators and administrators who work with special education students. If you work in an area that serves special needs students, then you need to be at this conference, front row, and center.
4. LDA 57th Annual International Conference February 17-20, 2020/Orlando, FL
The Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference organizes some of the most successful conferences on learning disabilities for professionals that serve students with special needs. The 57th annual conference promises to be more of the same. Workshops present and discuss best practices that can be used to educate students with learning disabilities.
5. Converge Autism Conference April 23-24, 2020/Greenville, SC
This national conference is for people that work with autistic students, including educators, medical professionals, and psychiatrists. Professionals from across the U.S. come to Greenville, South Carolina, for two days of sessions, workshops, etc. that cover a broad range of topics related to Autism—from diagnosis, treatment, and behavioral health.
6. National Conference on School Discipline June 24-28, 2020/Atlanta, GA
This conference addresses school discipline, and it includes workshops on how to respond to difficult behaviors, legal issues, and how to work with special education students in the classroom. If you work in an area that serves special education students, then you need to be at this conference, front row, and center.
Gifted & talented education conferences
7. 10th Annual Gifted Education Conference February 6-7, 2020/Denver, CO
This conference was created for designed for education leaders, researchers, parents, and mental health professionals who want to stay up to date with the latest trends in gifted education. You’ll leave revitalized and refreshed after participating in sessions, workshops, and roundtables centered on policy issues, research, best practices that educators must keep in mind when working with gifted students.
8. 67th Annual NAGC Conference November 5-8, 2020/Orlando, FL
The National Association for Gifted Children will convene its 67th annual conference for educators and administrators who serve gifted students. You will have the chance to participate in over 300 roundtable discussions, talks, keynote speeches, breakout sessions, presentations, etc.
9. ICGSGECL 2020 May 18-19, 2020/ Sydney, Australia
The International Conference on Gifted Students, Gifted Education, and Cooperative Learning endeavors to bring together learning scientists, educators, and education leaders to discuss and share research and best practices related to gifted education. Attend this conference if you are interested in learning about recent innovations and trends in the field of gifted education.
What conference did we miss? Let us know in the comments below.