A Guide to Talent Search Programs

The Talent Search Initiative has as its aim; the identification of high-performing students by organizing specific tests. Different avenues are then provided for these students to channel their abilities into rigorous post-school activities.
Different entities can apply for a grant from the Talent Search program – IHEs, secondary schools, private or public organizations or agencies, which include community-based organizations that have experience catering to disadvantaged youths, or a combination of the organization’s agencies and institutions.
There are some compulsory services that must be provided using the grant received from the program. These include:
·Connecting participants to excellent academic tutoring services so that they can complete secondary/postsecondary courses
·Providing assistance and advice in selecting secondary school course and, when applicable, in selecting initial postsecondary course
·Assisting the participants in getting prepared for college entrance examination and helping them to complete college admission applications
·Providing complete information on the Federal student financial aid programs, as well as their benefits along with information on identifying private and public scholarships, and assisting participants to complete financial aid applications
·Providing guidance and assisting participants on reentry into secondary schools, entry into postsecondary education, entry into GED (general education development) programs, and alternative education programs that are designed for secondary school dropouts which help them receive a regular secondary school diploma
·Connecting participants to counseling or education services that aim to improve the economic and financial literacy of the participants or the parents of the participants, which include financial planning for postsecondary education.
Additionally, there are some optional services that might be provided using the grant of a Talent Search project. These include:
·Career and personal activities or counseling
·Academic tutoring that might include instruction in study skills, reading, writing, mathematics, etc
·Information and activities to help the youths become aware of the career options available to them
·Helping the disadvantaged youths to experience the campuses of IHEs along with the academic programs, cultural events, and other activities or sites that are not generally available to them
·Counseling and workshops for the families of eligible participants
·Mentoring programs that include students, faculty members at IHEs, elementary or secondary school counselors/teachers, or any combination of these individuals
Activities and programs mentioned here are particularly meant for participants having limited English proficiency, belong to groups that are generally underrepresented in postsecondary education, foster care youth, homeless youths and children, individuals with disabilities, or other disconnected participants