17 Questions That Special Education Teachers Should Be Able to Answer
So you want to be a special education teacher? Congratulations, you have chosen both a challenging and rewarding career. To help you get started, I want to present you with 17 questions that you should be able to answer about special education, along with their corresponding answers.
This is not an exhaustive list, as a matter of fact, these questions represent less than 5% of what you should know, but it’s a good starter quiz. It will help you to gauge what you already know and what you should brush up on.
- What is a Multisensory Structured Language Education? An education strategy that leverages auditory, visual, and physical cues to assist students in learning a language.
- What is a Native Language? The initial language that a person learns to speak
- What is Self-Advocacy? The skills and capacity that children need to explain their cognitive or learning disorders to others.
- What is Self-Monitoring? The capacity to observe yourself and assess whether or not you are performing a task correctly.
- What Does Sensorimotor Mean? Involving sensory and motor functions collectively.
- What is a Speech Impairment? When a person has issues speaking in their language.
- What is Speech Therapy? A type of therapy that assists kids in speaking more clearly, conveying their thoughts and feelings, and deciphering what other people are saying.
- What is a Speech-Language Pathologist? An expert that can help kids with language disorders learn to speak more clearly, convey their thoughts and feelings, and understand what other people are saying.
- What Does it Mean to Be Twice-Exceptional? A term used to describe children who have exceptional talents in some academic areas and challenges in others. In some instances, a twice-exceptional student could theoretically qualify for both gifted and special education simultaneously.
- What is Universal Screening? An action that is instituted by school officials at the onset of a school year to pinpoint which students who are at risk for academic failure. School district employees conduct some evaluations while others are performed by independent education evaluators.
- What is Verbal Comprehension? How well students can decipher the language that they read or hear.
- What Does Visuomotor Mean? About visual and motor functions collectively.
- What is Vocational Rehabilitation? A collection of services that are offered to people with disabilities which are created to help them develop the skills that one needs to obtain and hold on to a job.
- What is Mainstreaming? Is the school policy of bringing disabled children into the “mainstream” of school and classroom life.
- What is Mixed-Ability Grouping? Educating students of various ability levels together in the same classroom.
- What is Visual Processing? The ability to understand and process visual information.
- What is a Discrepancy? The disparity between two assessments, as in between assessments of a child’s IQ and actual academic achievement.
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