A Guide to Classroom and At-Home Accommodations for Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that is marked by an inability to learn foundational math skills. Many people with this disability can learn very advanced mathematics concepts and principles, but it is hard for them to process formulas or do elementary math computations. Many people with this disorder also struggle with visual-spatial relationships or processing what they hear. Dyscalculia can differ from person to person.
Are you an educator or parent searching for accommodations to help students with dyscalculia? Well, look no further. Here are some ways that you can make the learning process easier for students with dyscalculia.
Classroom Accommodations: To succeed in the classroom, students with dyslexia need access to appropriate supports, including:
- Provide them with a calculator during class and tests
- Allow extra time on tests
- Provide a quiet space to work
- Give them the option to record lectures
- Give them access to the teacher’s notes
- Allow them to spend time in the math resource room
- In-school tutoring or homework assistance
- Pencils
- Give them lots of graph paper to help them keep columns and numbers straight
- Give them access to math apps and games that allow them to practice essential skills in a fun way
- Give them access to formula sheets
- Using talking tape measures or talking scales
- Using pre-measurement guides or jibs
- Review what was taught previously before teaching new skills
- List the steps and formulas for solving problems
- Sample problems should remain on the board
- Highlight keywords or numbers on word problems
- Use a chart of math facts
- Allow the use of multiplication tables
- Breakdown worksheets into sections
- Find out if students understand what is being asked
At Home Accommodations: Parents can support the work that is being done at school, by providing their children with the following at-home accommodations.
- Point out math wherever you can
- Provide access to a calculator
- Play math games
- Work with your child on managing time
- Help with homework
- Be understanding