25 Ways to Encourage Students to Accept Tutoring
Are you looking for ways to encourage students to accept tutoring? If so, keep reading.
1. Organize a sociometric learning experience with the class to ascertain those peers who would most prefer to interact with the learner in tutoring situations.
2. Make sure that the learner shows appropriate behavior in tutoring situations prior to pairing them with a peer.
3. Make sure the learner knows that interacting with peers in tutoring situations is contingent upon appropriate behavior.
4. Observe tutoring situations closely so peers with whom the learner interacts do not encourage unacceptable behavior.
5. Make sure that the tutoring situation is not so stimulating that it makes successful interactions with peers complicated.
6. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Failure may encourage unacceptable behavior in tutoring situations.
7. Teach the learner problem-solving skills so they may better handle problems that may happen in interactions with peers in tutoring situations (e.g., talking, walking away, calling upon an arbitrator, compromising, etc.).
8. Find the peer with whom the learner is most likely to be able to interact successfully in tutoring situations (e.g., a learner with similar interests, background, classes, behavior patterns, nonacademic schedule, etc.).
9. Using observation and interviews with other students, determine those characteristics of the learner that interfere with successful interactions during tutoring situations. Ascertain skills or behaviors the learner needs to create for successful interactions.
10. Organize the learning activities of the tutoring situation according to the needs/abilities of the learner (e.g., create rules, limit the stimulation of the learning experience, limit the length of the learning experience, consider the time of day, etc.).
11. Restrict chances for interaction in tutoring situations on those occasions in which the learner is not likely to be successful (e.g., the learner has experienced academic or social failure prior to the scheduled tutoring learning experience).
12. Choose nonacademic learning activities (e.g., board games, model school building, coloring, etc.) designed to enable appropriate interaction between the learner and peers.
13. Get the learner to practice appropriate interactions with the teacher in tutoring situations.
14. Make sure the learner can successfully take part in the tutoring learning experience (e.g., the learner knows the rules, the learner is familiar with the learning experience, the learner will be compatible with the other students engaged in the free-time learning experience, etc.).
15. Make sure the learner knows that failing to interact properly with peers during tutoring learning activities may result in removal from the learning experience and/or loss of future chances to participate.
16. Get the learner to take part in the tutoring situation with peers for short periods. As the learner shows success, slowly increase the length of time.
17. Give an appropriate place for the tutoring situation (e.g., quiet comer of the classroom, near the teacher’s desk, etc.).
18. Intervene early and often when there is a problem to prevent more severe problems from happening.
19. Do not force the learner to work in a tutoring situation with a peer with whom they are not entirely comfortable.
20. Give the learner a predetermined signal when they begin to display unacceptable behaviors in a tutoring situation with peers.
21. Let the learner attempt something new in private before doing so in a tutoring situation with peers.
22. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.
23. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.
24. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.
25. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.