22 Ways to Help Students Who Leave Out or Change Words While Writing

Are you looking for ways to help students who leave out or change words while writing? If so, keep reading.
1. Get the learner to write a daily log or diary expressing thoughts in finished sentences.
2. Create a list of the learner’s most common omissions, additions, and substitutions and have them refer to the list when engaged in writing learning activities to check for errors.
3. Increase supervision (e.g., by a paraprofessional, peer, etc.) of the learner while they are writing.
4. Provide consistent expectations for the learner to write information without omitting, adding, or substituting words.
5. Teach the learner the relationship between unacceptable behavior and the consequences that follow (e.g., omitting, adding, or substituting words when writing instructions down will result in homework tasks being done incorrectly).
6. Make sure that the writing tasks given to the learner are appropriate for their level of development and capacity and ability.
7. Teach the learner to use context clues when reading to aid word recognition and meaning.
8. Make sure the learner has written work proofread by someone (e.g., aide, peer, etc.) for omissions, additions, and substitutions before turning in the finished task.
9. Get the learner to take part in writing learning activities designed to cause them to want to be successful in writing (e.g., writing a letter to a friend, rock star, famous athlete, etc.).
10. Make sure you are not requiring too much of the learner at one time and causing them to hurry to get things done.
11. Minimize distracting stimuli when the learner is engaged in writing learning activities by placing the learner in a carrel or “office” space. This is used as a way of reducing the distracting stimuli, not as a form of punishment.
12. Get the learner to read simple passages and record them. Then have the learner underline passages that were omitted.
13. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Competitive learning activities may cause the learner to hurry and omit, add, or substitute words when writing.
14. Make the learner rewrite a selection if it has been done incorrectly due to their hurrying just to get things done.
15. Get the learner to finish “fill-in-the blank” stories and sentences and then read them aloud.
16. Converse with the learner to explain what they are doing wrong (e.g., substituting words, leaving words out, etc.) and what they must be doing (e.g., writing each word carefully, rereading written work, etc.).
17. Ensure that the learner knows the types of errors made (e.g., omits words, substitutes words, etc.) to be more conscious of them when writing.
18. Get the learner to proofread all written work for omissions, additions, or substitutions. Praise the learner for correcting omissions, additions, or substitutions.
19. On occasions where correcting the learner’s written work, give evaluative feedback that is constructive (e.g., point out omissions, additions, and substitutions; explain to the learner the effect these mistakes have on content and meaning; have the learner rewrite their work to correct the omissions, additions, and substitutions; etc.).
20. Organize their surroundings to lessen distracting stimuli (e.g., place the learner on or near the front row, Give a quiet space away from distractions, etc.). This is to be used as a way to lessen distractions, not as a form of punishment.
21. Acknowledge quality work (e.g., display the learner’s work, congratulate the learner, etc.).
22. Consider using one of the apps on one of our best writing apps lists:
The Tech Edvocate’s List of 31 Grammar & Writing Apps, Tools & Resources
Ten Apps to Help Students Develop Writing Skills
10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Elementary School Students
11 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for High School Students
10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Middle School Students