Using Standardized Test Results

Check out our list of tips for using standardized test results.
Once the results are released, take the time to schedule appointments with learners to review their essay tests and address any problems or they may have with understanding the subject matter.
When designing essay tests, teach learners how to write logical answers. If you do not teach learners how to write a clear answer, most learners will not have the skills to organize their thinking. Instruct learners to read their answers to themselves to make sure they make sense prior to handing them in.
Utilize test results to springboard ideas for improvement. Explore opportunities to expand in other areas. Offer independent learning projects for learners who need additional practice in specific areas.
Find out what learners know about a subject prior to you begin a unit. You can find out what learners know by observation, asking questions, or surveying the class with a five-point quiz. Utilize the data to help design the unit.
Sometimes allow learners to evaluate their own work. Self-evaluations assist learners in assessing their learning and provide the educator with multidimensional assessment information about the learner for the final grade.
If a learner did not get a passing grade on a test, find a way to remediate it immediately. Learners need immediate feed- back especially if they are failing. They may need one-on-one instruction and a plan to get back on the right path to success. You may have to reconstruct the individual learner learning.
Analyze your school handbook about learner grievances concerning grades. Set up with your class the process if a student should disagree with the grade they have obtained. If you become involved in a grade dispute, file your meetings, the date, and issues of concern.