The GRE (Graduate Record Examination): Everything You Need to Know

The GRE is a standardized test which the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a not-for-profit organization, is in charge of delivering to test takers. This form of assessment is used to check verbal, analytical, and mathematical skills.
This computer-based, multiple-choice examination evaluates students’ preparedness and qualifications for graduate-level academic work. It tests a student’s command of basic arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and data analysis along with college-level vocabulary. Additionally, it assesses the student’s ability to examine and appraise written material, think critically, and resolve problems. A student will receive scores on three key sections in the GRE, namely:
· Verbal Reasoning
· Analytical Writing, and
· Quantitative Reasoning
The verbal reasoning section evaluates a student’s ability to differentiate major and relevant points, draw conclusions, and comprehend sentences and words, among other things. It’s designed to determine the student’s ability to examine and assess written material. This section also tests their ability to process the information they gather from written material and notice and evaluate relationships between different parts of sentences.
Analytical writing examines the student’s capacity for critical thinking, analytical writing, and how well they can articulate complicated ideas while providing adequate support for those concepts.
The quantitative segment focuses on testing the student’s ability to solve problems via the use of concepts of algebra, data analysis, and geometry. In this section, students must solve problems using mathematical concepts and analyze and deduce quantitative data.
A wide array of graduate programs in different disciplines ranging from liberal arts subjects to technical fields, including Ph.D., master’s, and professional degree programs, permit applicants to submit their GRE scores. Business schools too have made it a common practice to accept GRE scores instead of the GMAT – the conventional business school entrance exam. In recent years, a small, albeit rapidly increasing group of U.S. law schools, has also started accepting the GRE as a substitute to the LSAT – the distinctive law school entrance exam.
Students who’re not sure why they should take the GRE need to know that with a high GRE score, they can create a direct, positive impact on their business school or graduate school applications. It’s important to note that business school and graduate school admissions committees take other factors into consideration apart from one’s GRE score, such as academic record and supporting documents, when evaluating the candidate’s readiness for the rigors of graduate academic study. However, a high GRE score will make one have a significant advantage over their peers for sure.