AP (Advanced Placement Program): Everything You Need to Know
This refers to a program that the College Board offers and allows the students to take college-level courses without graduating from high school. Schools that offer AP often combine these courses with their programs. Students can experience a multitude of benefits by taking AP classes. Some of the major benefits include:
Getting the AP stamp: The key objective of the AP is to help high school students experience the course complexity and examinations at the college level. Having an AP stamp in the high school transcript can help students with college admissions.
Earning college credits: The AP ensures the students enrolling in it earn college credits while still in high school, provided they get qualifying scores. The majority of colleges and universities in the United States grant credits based on the scores.
Skipping introductory courses: Based on the AP score, colleges can allow first-year students to skip some introductory courses and start taking higher-level courses immediately. This helps students save time to take other interesting courses. Additionally, as the AP can enable students to graduate early, they can save on tuition.
Improving college-level skills: Taking the AP helps high school students improve different skills that are crucial for college, such as critical thinking, writing, prioritization of tasks, and managing time. These skills greatly help students while at college and help to build the foundation for successful graduation.
Getting an in-depth understanding of chosen subjects: Many high school students have a general overview of the subjects they like to study and are good at. With the AP, these students get an in-depth understanding of their chosen subjects. This helps them decide whether or not they’d like to pursue studying these subjects full time at college.
It’s important to understand that the AP experience isn’t ideal for every student. Students should consider some important factors before enrolling in an AP course. First, students should review their past performance and then choose the subject area for the AP course. They should also consider their schedule before joining an AP course. For example, students who have a part-time job or hold leadership positions in extracurricular activities may find it difficult to fulfill the obligations of an AP class. Lastly, students shouldn’t take an AP course if it’s likely to lower their overall GPA. College admission officers want to see applicants taking challenging courses, but they also need to see strong grades.