Professional School: Everything You Need to Know

Refers to an institution of higher learning for those students who possess a bachelor’s degree but desire further education in particular professional disciplines, such as pharmacy, law, medicine or engineering. In the United States, attending a professional school is a requirement for a number of jobs. For instance, doctors and lawyers must take special training from a professional school before entering the professional world. Similar to graduate schools, students have to meet admission requirements and be able to fund their tuition to apply to professional schools.
However, there’re some major differences between these two types of schools. Professional schools, such as business schools and law schools, teach a much broader curriculum and deliver courses in an attempt to prepare students for pursuing a career in the field. While these institutions teach traditional theory through lectures, there’s a much greater focus on real-world applications of the knowledge students gain. The majority of professional schools also require students to finish professional internships before graduation. On the contrary, in graduate schools, students study for a master’s degree or a doctorate degree in a particular area of study, and the programs aren’t intensely focused on applying the knowledge to real-world applications. Graduate schools are also more likely to require their students to complete a thesis before graduation.
Prerequisites and other admission requirements are also different in professional schools than those of graduate schools. Professional institutions are more focused on students’ work experience than reviewing their major. Students need to have an accredited bachelor’s degree along with an acceptable GPA, but the major they choose as undergraduate students aren’t as important as in graduate schools.
Sometimes, it becomes overwhelming for students to decide which school to attend if they don’t know which school will be the best choice for them. Since professional schools are specifically tailored to specific subjects and focus on preparing students for a career in those subjects, they’re an appropriate option for students who’re sure that they want to pursue a career in that subject. Professional schools are a great option for individuals who already have their careers picked out. They provide the training students need and prepare them to get the proper certification to work in their chosen fields. However, it’s important to understand that if a student has gained work experience or attended a professional school in another country, their requirements to obtain a professional license and practice in the United States may be different.