21 Hacks to Ensure That Students Will Be Prepared for Learning Activities
Are you looking for hacks to ensure that students will be prepared for learning activities? If so, keep reading.
1. Find a tutor (e.g., a volunteer in the community, peer, etc.) to help the learner finish their school tasks.
2. Assess the appropriateness of assigning the learner homework if their capacity and ability level or circumstances at home make it impossible for them to finish and return the tasks.
3. Follow up a less desirable task with a more desirable task. Make the conclusion of the first appropriate to perform the second.
4. Provide consistent expectations within the capacity and ability level of the learner.
5. Provide instructions in an assortment of ways to increase the likelihood of comprehension (e.g., if the learner fails to understand oral instructions, present them in written form).
6. Get the learner to anticipate future tasks and create plans for addressing them.
7. Get the learner to create a chart to follow that will let them self-monitor all tasks.
8. Get the learner to create a routine (schedule) to follow before coming to class (e.g., check what learning experience is next, determine what learning materials are appropriate, collect learning materials, etc.)
9. Assess the degree of task difficulty to ascertain whether the learner will require additional information, time, assistance, etc., before starting a task.
10. Get the learner to keep a chart/graph of the number of tasks turned into the teacher.
11. Embody being prepared for designated learning activities.
12. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, and instructions not grasped.
13. Select a peer to model turning in school tasks for the learner.
14. Create a school/home task sheet to be reviewed and signed by the parents each evening. Connect with the parents and the learner to create clear expectations and positive consequences for finishing and returning the task sheet.
15. Get the learner to time learning activities to monitor personal behavior and accept time limits.
16. Select a peer to model being prepared for designated learning activities for the learner.
17. Get the learner to set a timer to finish tasks in a sensible period.
18. Give the learner a written list of tasks to be performed each day and have them check each task as it is finished.
19. Find the learning materials the learner continuously fails to take home. Give a set of those learning materials for the learner to keep at home.
20. Provide consistency in assigning homework (i.e., designate the same amount of homework each day).
21. Consider using an education app to help the student sharpen their organizational skills. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.