Can charter schools fix education in America?

**The Edvocate is pleased to publish guest posts as way to fuel important conversations surrounding P-20 education in America. The opinions contained within guest posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Edvocate or Dr. Matthew Lynch.**
A guest post by Ashley Catt
Most would agree that our education system is of utmost importance in the U.S. Yearly we spend $810 billion on education, yet lag behind our counterparts at 17th in reading and 32nd in math globally.
With the amount of assets spent on education, no child should be left behind. Unfortunately, the figures tell a different story. Studies illustrate that both Hispanic and African American students are graduating 10-15 points below the national average. Additionally, 66 percent of students leave eighth grade without the comprehension of grade level math and reading.
Over the last five years, numerous studies have illustrated that charter schools prepare students better than traditional public schools. These public schools advertise innovative environments that allow both teachers and students to thrive. Supporters say that charter schools provide opportunities that foster ways to effectively interact and engage every type of learner.
Teachers are one of the most important factors in the education equation. U.S. primary school teachers work the same amount of hours as the average full-time employee, but that is only the time “on the clock.” Given that many teachers work a 10-month schedule, this illustrates the length of days and the amount of work being put in over the weekend and during summer months. Teachers must also have access to proper professional development and coaching opportunities. This will not only benefit the teachers and students simultaneously, but also lead to a more engaged and proficient workforce overall.
The culture of education in America is shifting and alternatives to traditional public schools are being pursued by parents. With fresh technologies and applications, charter schools are on the rise.
To make an impact and alter children’s lives for the better, high quality education options need to be present. Changes in American education must catch up to match the demands of the global marketplace. Are charter schools that answer?
You tell me.
Ashley Catt is a marketer who lives in Indianapolis.