2018 America’s Most Affordable Universities
With college tuition skyrocketing year upon year, more and more students are budget conscious when it comes to tuition.
While tuition is increasing on average, some colleges and universities have taken it upon themselves to remain an affordable option for students living nearby and to attract students from further afield.
Here’s a list of schools dedicated to keeping tuition at a (reasonably) affordable price.
Queens College of City University of New York
Want to live near New York City but don’t have the cash to splash on Columbia or any of the city’s other high-priced institutions?
Queens Colleges, which is part of the City University of New York system costs a cool $6,000 a semester and offers a whirlwind of undergraduate and graduate programs. It’s located in Flushing, which also means students don’t need to compete with Manhattan rent prices.
Southwest Minnesota State University
Hoping to get out of your state but worried about the crippling costs of out-of-state tuition? Southwest Minnesota State costs around $8,000 per year regardless of where you’re from
The college is set in a rural Minnesota town, not far from Sioux Falls and a few hours from Minneapolis. This is an added benefit for low-cost tuition seekers because as a rural college town, expenses and competition remain low while the community experience is high.
Headed to Texas and want to take advantage of some of the most accessible colleges in the country? West Texas A&M offers low tuition fees for residents and only charges no-residents $9,418 per year, making it one of the cheapest colleges for those who want to move out of state.
The El Paso campus of the University of Texas is one of the most affordable colleges in a state of affordable colleges with a net price of $6,089 per year. It’s also ideal for students hoping to study in the otherwise expensive science sector and is a key player in research.
Based in Fayetteville, North Carolina, this state university offers both useful academic programs and campus-wide opportunities to compete for scholarships to lower tuition.
Even if you don’t qualify for additional scholarships, the net price of $5,914 per year and the low cost of living in North Carolina are sure to help keep your finances in order during your student years.
There’s no need to fork over six figures to attend a good university. There are plenty of options available to even the most budget-conscious students.
Will you make your school choice based on cost? Share your stories here.