10 Would You Rather Scenarios For Elementary Students
Would You Rather scenarios are a great way to spark creativity and critical thinking in elementary students. These scenarios challenge their decision-making skills and give them the opportunity to think outside the box. In this article, we will explore 10 fun and engaging Would You Rather scenarios that will surely get your students excited!
1. Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or be able to swim underwater like a fish?
Imagine the possibilities! Would your students prefer soaring through the skies or exploring the depths of the ocean? Encourage them to explain their choices and come up with creative reasons.
2. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?
This scenario taps into their imagination and love for mythical creatures. They can debate the pros and cons of having a dinosaur as a pet versus a unicorn, and discuss what kind of adventures they would go on with their chosen pet.
3. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere instantly or have the power to become invisible?
Let their minds wander as they consider the advantages and disadvantages of teleportation and invisibility. Will they choose to explore different places or prefer to navigate unseen?
4. Would you rather never have to do homework or never have to eat vegetables?
This scenario addresses two common concerns of elementary students – homework and vegetables. Students can reveal their priorities and debate the importance of academic work and healthy eating.
5. Would you rather travel to the past and meet historical figures or travel to the future and see what it’s like?
This scenario sparks an interest in history and future possibilities. Students can share their enthusiasm for meeting historical figures or imagine what the world might be like in the future.
6. Would you rather have a superpower of your choice or have unlimited money?
This scenario explores the concepts of power and wealth. Students can discuss the responsibilities and consequences associated with each choice and explain their preferences.
7. Would you rather live in a treehouse or on a houseboat?
Let their sense of adventure guide them as they ponder living among the treetops or on the water. They can talk about the unique experiences and challenges of each living arrangement.
8. Would you rather be a famous athlete or a famous musician?
This scenario taps into their interests and passions. Students can discuss the dedication and hard work required for each profession, and what they value more – physical achievements or artistic expressions.
9. Would you rather be the main character in a video game or the lead character in a movie?
This scenario brings their favorite forms of entertainment to life. Students can discuss the excitement and challenges of being in control of a video game character or portraying a character in a movie.
10. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak all the languages in the world?
Lastly, this scenario invites students to contemplate their connection with animals and their curiosity about different cultures. They can share their thoughts on the wonders of animal communication or the benefits of being multilingual.
Would You Rather scenarios provide a platform for elementary students to explore their preferences, ignite their imagination, and cultivate critical thinking skills. These 10 scenarios are just a starting point, and there are countless more possibilities to continue the conversation. Encourage your students to express themselves, respect differing opinions, and embrace the joy of imagination and decision-making.