Wraparound Services/Programs: Everything You Need to Know
These are programs that have social measures available for children who are at risk. Hypothetically, these services are engineered toward developing a strong sense of self and the promotion of security, and a sense of flourishing at home, in the school system, and in society at large.
Wraparound programs involve four phases – engagement and team preparation, development of the initial plan, its implementation, and transition. To form an individualized plan of care, several people collaborate together. These include the family members of the child or youth, people from the family’s social support network, agency representatives, and service providers. All these people play crucial roles in implementing the plan, examining its efficacy, and working to make it successful over time.
These programs are driven by the perspectives of the child or youth and their family. Thus, the plan should reflect their objectives and thoughts about what type of support strategies and services are most likely to benefit them and help them achieve their objectives. The plan of a Wraparound program usually includes formal services, such as research-based interventions that are suitable to build skills and meet the needs of the child or youth and their family. Additionally, community services and interpersonal assistance and support are offered by kin, friends, and other people belonging to the family’s social networks.
After chalking out the initial plan and implementing it, the team continues to meet frequently to track the progress. This is done by comparing the plan’s components against the success indicators selected by the team. Failure to achieve the desired success levels will demand a revision in the plan’s strategies, components, and interventions, especially those that are found to be not working.
For the success of Wraparound programs, the staff needs to have the necessary skills and competencies to carry out their designated roles in these programs. Additionally, a high level of coordination and collaboration is essential among the family- and child-serving agencies and organizations that form the crux of a Wraparound program.
With the support of Wraparound programs, young people with complex needs are more prone to stay in their homes and communities. Even when a crisis occurs, these young people tend to spend just a short period in out-of-home placements. Unlike their peers who don’t receive Wraparound, the children and youths in Wraparound have better mental health and functioning in their schools, homes, and communities.