Using Amazon Alexa for the Science Classroom

When your school doesn’t have the budget or the space to accommodate an extensive lab, your students might feel like their science studies are lacking. Educators become frustrated by the lack of resources available to accurately teach science in a modern classroom setting. Fortunately, there are handy tools like the Amazon Alexa that can help engage students. This tiny device is inexpensive for educators to purchase, as well as extremely interesting to students of all ages.
Before you plan another science activity, make sure you know these top five things that the Amazon Alexa can offer your science classroom.
Who doesn’t love having a slew of miscellaneous facts up their sleeve to show off in casual conversation? Science Guru equips you to learn interesting tidbits and show off your random knowledge. This trivia game presents you with a question, multiple choice answers, and a final score. A short quiz is also provided at the end of your session. Educators love that students are actively learning and engaging, while students enjoy competing against peers.
Alexa can help your class learn more random facts than you ever thought possible. In the mornings, you can have students jot down the random facts given by SciGuy for a quiz at the end of the week. He will continuously provide you with random science facts. Don’t worry though, you’ll never run out of facts because he constantly has new ones added his database.
Elementary school children might love a good guessing game. With Alexa’s Animal Game, they can choose an animal in their mind while Alexa attempts to guess it. She will ask questions about where it lives, what colors it is, and even how it travels. They might get the rare opportunity to stump the machine, but Alexa does have more than three hundred animals in her database. She can even share random animal facts with the class.
Help students understand just how important it is to learn current events. With Alexa’s help, they can hear about major advancements in the field of science every morning. The Science Feed Reader skims and reads the top stories from the New York Times. Potential subjects include science, the environment, and space.
Are you studying the solar system in science this quarter? Let your students be up on the cutting-edge technology and most recent research. The NASA Breaking News program gives you updates straiht from the source. Educators can also take this opportunity to teach students about selecting reliable sources for their work. All around, this app holds a lot of potential for students who are interested in STEM subjects.