Use Media and Internet Resources in the Classroom

Check out our list of tips for using media and internet resources in the classroom.
Construct a web page where learners can find their assignments posted and download the assignments and any supplemental material from home.
Ask people who work in technologically advanced jobs to talk with your learners about the effect of technology on their work.
Learners love to take pictures, be in pictures, and look at pictures. Let learners use the school camera and tell stories in pictures. Train them in the proper care and use of someone else’s property.
Discover the many computer programs available for language development. Learners benefit from a multimedia approach.
Analyze your learner’s Internet usage and the email policies of your school district. The learner and parent should sign off on a school form that they know about the policies and procedures. You need to keep this information on file should there be an issue.
Place class guidelines and school policy for Internet use in a visible area of the class. Remind learners every time they are in the computer lab.
Hunt for educator-friendly websites or sites that are content-oriented. You will gain a plethora of info to be used in the class. Check with your state education depart- ment for content area websites, especially in math and science.
Contact a technology representative and ask about the latest software products in your content area. Always request a thirty-day trial because the software may not be what you need to enhance your curriculum.
Instruct learners in utilizing PowerPoint for their presentations. When the educator thinks the learners are ready, they should create a PowerPoint presentation. Many students are capable of this skill in 4th grade.
Find conferences where they hand out free samples and supplies. Pens, and sample books will enhance your room and learner learning. Conferences will be registered in professional development flyers and on education-oriented websites.