Preventing Private High School Application Mistakes
Applying to a private high school can be an extremely daunting process. There are so many things to think about, including parent statements, interviews, and your academic results. When it comes to these applications, there are a few common mistakes that children tend to make.
We have made a list of 4 of these mistakes that you should avoid when completing your application form.
Underestimating The Campus Visit
Contrary to popular belief, campus visits can be an essential part of the application process. Many students believe that these tours are simply for their benefit, but this is not true. While you view the school, the teachers, admin staff, and tour guide will be watching you closely, monitoring your demeanor, behavior, and attitude.
If you seem completely uninterested while on your tour, the staff are likely to make a note of this. When you send your application in, having that black mark next to your name will not do you any favors. For this reason, you will want to make as good an impression as possible on your campus visit.
Scripting Your Interview
The interviewer is likely to notice that you are speaking unnaturally if you script your interview. While this could make you feel more prepared, it is not recommended, as the school wants to get to know you and your passions. Instead of trying to memorize your answers, simply be yourself.
Only Applying To One Or Two Schools
Many students feel confident that they will get into one school and fail to apply to any others. This is never recommended, as you are not guaranteed a place in any private high school, no matter how good you may think your application looks. For this reason, you will want to apply to at least three different schools – this way, you will have a backup plan.
Failing To Include Anecdotes In The Parent Statement
Many parents go on and on about how perfect their child is in their parent statement. The school does not want to hear about this, though, as every parent thinks their child is amazing.
Instead, ask your mom or dad to write about a true story that makes you look good. This way, the school will be able to get an accurate idea of your character.
Concluding Thoughts
Children tend to make a few common mistakes when applying for a private high school. You mustn’t underestimate your campus visit. More so, do not script your interview or only apply to one school. Lastly, ensure that your parents include true anecdotes in their parent statement.