Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Begin Search for Next Chancellor

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education have officially begun the search for a new chancellor, following the announcement of current Chancellor Glen D. Johnson’s upcoming retirement in June 2024. Johnson, who has held the position since 2015, has overseen a period of significant growth and change within Oklahoma’s higher education system.
The search process will be led by a special committee of regents, who will be responsible for soliciting nominations and conducting interviews. The committee will also be responsible for presenting a slate of finalists to the full board of regents for final consideration.
“We are grateful for Chancellor Johnson’s service and leadership over the past eight years,” said Regent Connie Holloway, chair of the board. “He has been a strong advocate for higher education in Oklahoma, and we wish him well in his retirement. We are confident that we will find a qualified individual to lead our system into the future.”
The new chancellor will be tasked with overseeing a system of 26 public colleges and universities, serving over 180,000 students. The position comes with a number of challenges, including the need to address budget constraints, increase access to higher education, and improve student outcomes.
The search for a new chancellor is expected to take several months. The board of regents has not yet announced a timeline for the process.
Potential candidates for the position are likely to come from a variety of backgrounds, including higher education administration, government, and the private sector. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the challenges facing higher education in Oklahoma and a vision for the future of the system.
The search process will be open and transparent. The public is encouraged to provide input on the qualities and qualifications they believe are important for the next chancellor.
This search marks a significant moment for Oklahoma’s higher education system. The new chancellor will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the state’s public colleges and universities. The search process will be closely watched by stakeholders across the state.