How to Implement the Flashlight Vocabulary Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom

While learners work in teams, the instructor reads the advantages and disadvantages of each term to shine a “flashlight” on the matching word posted around the classroom.
Learning Outcome
- Review word meanings
- Write each vocabulary word on a separate piece of construction paper and place them around the room.
- Review the definitions with the class quickly.
- Divide the class into groups of three to four.
- Read aloud the definitions of one of the words (all flashlights are off at this point).
- Each group decides which of the words is accurate.
- The instructor says, “Aim,” and the learner holding the flashlight in the groups aims it at the word they have chosen without turning on the flashlight.
- Then the instructor says, “Shine.” At this point, the learner turns on the flashlight.
- Points are given to groups who shine on the right answer.