Elements of a Developmentally Appropriate PreK Schedule
Do you need help creating a developmentally appropriate PreK schedule? Don’t worry; we have you covered. Below you will find exactly what you are looking for.
A good schedule is predictable. The order of events is always the same, although the clock time may vary a bit.
A good schedule is flexible. Flexible time blocks allow for flexibility. While the order of events is predictable, the educator can adjust the length of time for each block according to the kids’ involvement or restlessness.
A good schedule includes different developmentally appropriate activities. Kids should be allowed to explore several materials. Activities should include all areas of development: physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, language and literacy. Kids should be allowed to make choices and pursue their interests. The schedule should balance kid-initiated activities and adult guidance and support.
A good schedule balances active and quiet learning experiences.
Alternating active and quiet activities help kids avoid fatigue and boredom and help them maintain self-control. Kids need both indoor and outdoor experiences every day.
A good schedule includes at least 1 hour of outdoor play in suitable weather. Kids will experience outdoor play for a portion of every day unless weather conditions are extreme.
A good schedule enables a reasonable pace for kids’ participation. A fast-paced schedule opposes a positive learning environment, leading to boredom and conflict. A helpful schedule allows time for kids to complete tasks satisfyingly.
A good schedule plans for developmental differences in attention span. Most preschool kids can sustain interest in self-initiated activities for relatively long periods. During group times, 10-20 minutes is the developmentally appropriate attention span for most 3 to 5-year-olds.
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