Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): Everything You Need to Know

In children with this disorder, their major challenges include focusing on learning materials/lessons taught, engaging in time-sapping tasks, and listening to/obeying instructions given in class. Indeed, it can be challenging and frustrating for instructors who routinely have to redirect these children, often with very little progress seen. Nonetheless, with assistive technology, the world of education doesn’t have to be as tasking/frustrating for students with ADD and their teachers alike.
ADD is an outdated term and medical professionals no longer use it. However, it’s often still used to refer to a specific subset of symptoms that fall under the umbrella term ADHD. While many people interchangeably use the terms ADD and ADHD, they aren’t the same thing. ADD is the colloquial term for one specific type of ADHD – Predominantly Inattentive Type.
People with ADD struggle to stay focused or pay attention for long periods of time. Some common symptoms include:
· Difficulty staying on task
· Being easily distracted
· Difficulty following directions
· Forgetfulness
· Not paying attention to details
· Losing personal items
· Short attention spans
· Problems staying organized
Those with ADD often lack the hyperactivity component and may appear disorganized or disinterested in the classroom or the workplace. In fact, since kids with ADD are most often not disruptive in school, they might be mistakenly viewed as just “shy.” If parents suspect their child has ADD, they should talk to the kid’s teacher, school counselor, or physician about appropriate treatment. Earlier intervention can ensure that the kid experiences fewer disruptions because of the condition. There’s no single test for ADD. The doctor will review for any ADHD symptoms demonstrated in the past six months to make a diagnosis. The doctor might also carry out a physical exam and review the kid’s medical history to rule out any other psychiatric or medical conditions that can be causing the symptoms.
There’re several ways in which ADD looks different from other types of ADHD in everyday life.
· Kids with ADD may rush through a quiz, skipping whole sections or missing questions they know the answers to in their haste.
· Children with ADD might have trouble staying focused during organized activities such as sports and games or tasks such as picking up their rooms.
· Kids with ADD might seem absent-minded when spoken to directly, even though there might not be an obvious distraction.
· Many children with ADD struggle to follow through on instructions, failing to complete schoolwork.