9 Roles of a School Principal You Probably Did Not Know About

A principal has several responsibilities, so he needs to prioritize, schedule, and organize everything so that the work goes on efficiently. He must discharge his duties in a balanced manner and do the best for his school.
Leader of the School
He is the leader of the school, so he has to set a good example. He should have a positive attitude, be enthusiastic, listen to the staff members and students, and be in touch with everything that takes place in the school.
In Charge of Student Discipline
He should make the teachers aware of the expectations he has regarding student discipline. A principal should be fair and make decisions only after listening to both sides and getting sufficient evidence.
Responsible for Evaluating the Teachers
The principal should evaluate the teachers’ performance based on the guidelines given by the district and state. He should collect information about the strengths and shortcomings of the teachers and make fair decisions.
Duty to Develop, Implement, and Evaluate School Programs
It is the principal’s responsibility to take steps to enhance the performance of the students and grant them quality education. To achieve this, he has to develop, implement, and evaluate various school programs. He can take the ideas that have been effective in other schools and use them for his school.
Review Procedures and Policies
The principal’s stamp should be there on the student handbook, which is a school’s governing document. He should review, rewrite, remove, or write some new procedures and policies every year according to the need. This sort of handbook can make the principal’s work easier and enhance the quality of academic instruction imparted to the students.
Set the Schedules
He has to create several schedules such as a teacher duty, bell, library, and computer lab schedule. He has to see to it that there is an even distribution of the workload. The task of creating various school schedules can be difficult because it is not possible to satisfy everyone. For instance, some teachers would prefer to have the planning period when the school starts in the morning, while others would like it to be the last thing to be done during the day. The schedules should have a certain amount of flexibility so that they can be adjusted if needed according to the circumstances.
Hire New Teachers
The principal has to hire capable teachers who can be an asset to the school. He should interview the aspiring teachers and assess them based on their teaching knowledge, sincerity, enthusiasm toward teaching, and personality. The candidate should be able to provide favorable references from previous jobs.
The principal can conduct second interviews and ask other academic staff members to participate in them and give their feedback. Finally, he can choose the most suitable person for the job.
Take Care of Public Relations
If the principal of a school develops and maintains suitable connections with the community members and the parents of students, it can be beneficial in many ways. He can deal with a discipline problem if he has built an amicable relationship with the child’s parents. Having cordial relations with businesses can help in getting positive support and donations for his school.
Delegate Duties
The principal is too busy to do all the work himself. He has to have reliable people around him so that he can delegate the duties if needed. He can run the school more effectively with the help of trustworthy and capable people.
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