7 Tips on Bringing Your Edtech Company to Market

Edtech product development doesn’t end when the last code has been written. You have to bring your product to market, and here are seven tips to help you do it.
- Remember that you are the solution
Teachers spend long hours in their classrooms, but their work doesn’t end when the last bell rings to dismiss students at the end of the day.
The last thing a teacher wants is something that will make life harder. Offer a time-saving product. If your edtech company can solve a problem for a teacher, your product will be the one every educator wants.
Make being the solution part of your market strategy.
- Data matters
Learning how to gather and use data will help drive your product to market.
Data will allow you to personalize instruction. Karen Bdoyan, the founder of ShowMe, says, “Being able to collect and store data is nearly not enough in education. The most important part is to be able to analyze and programmatically understand it. Unlike other tech industries, edtech is all about personalization.”
- Build stamina
Bringing your edtech product to market is a race of endurance; sprinting will not take you to the finish line. That means your edtech company must figure out how to stay afloat until you land your first clients.
- Plan your strategy
Having a great edtech product is not enough.
You’ll have to plan your product launch, and that means utilizing the social media platforms educators prefer. Be aware that teachers in each region of the US may prefer different communication platforms.
- Prepare your pitch
As your edtech product goes through its development stages, begin thinking about your presentation pitch. You’ll need to decide where and how to market to your audience, and who will be doing the presentation. Some edtech companies like to hire teachers to assist with presentations, and some prefer a professionally designed approach.
- Go pro
Regardless of who makes your presentation, you will need a solid pitch. Avoid spending time tinkering with presentation software unless you are a competent designer and marketer. Instead, consider hiring professional presentation experts like Duarte.
- Speak the right language
Whether you choose to hire a professional presentation expert, or you want to make the presentation pitch yourself, pay careful attention to the denotation and connotation of words. Word choice can make or break the sale.
Scott McQuigg of GoNoodle points out that disruption, for example, is never welcome in a classroom for obvious reasons.
These seven tips will help bring your edtech company to market.