14 Inspirational Videos for Teachers

Are you a teacher who needs a pep talk? Are you feeling unappreciated, and having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning? It’s ok, as it happens to most teachers at least once in their lifetime. Are you looking for a little inspiration to remind you of why you decided to become a teacher? Don’t worry, we have you covered. In this piece, we will list and discuss 14 inspirational videos for teachers. I hope you enjoy them.
- The Dot by Peter Reynolds – Explains how we have to help our students be great. They come to us in various forms, and unless we step up to the plate, they will leave our classrooms in the same condition.
- Caine’s Arcade – Explains how even simple things can inspire creativity. If you are looking to add some innovation to your classroom, this video is a must-see.
- Taylor Mali’s poem “What Teachers Make” – Inspirational poem dedicated to teachers everywhere. I bet you can’t sit through the entire video without crying.
- Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk: “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” – Posits that we need to change how we approach the teaching and learning process. The way that we currently approach learning kills children’s natural creativity and innovation and turns them into robots.
- Susan Cain’s TedTalk on “The Power of Introverts” – Introverts rock! I have been an introvert all of my life, and I wish some of my teachers understand how to teach me to use it as a strength.
- “What Teachers Do” Speech by Lily Eskelsen Garcia, President of the National Education Association – Powerful speech that is loved by some and criticized by others. As for my take, bravo.
- Brene Brown: Empathy vs. Sympathy – Espouses the power of relationships, compassion, and connections. Without connecting to your students, it will be hard to help them reach their potential.
- How to Be an Amazing Teacher – After you watch this, you will agree that the title is self-explanatory. I really enjoyed this one.
- The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us All – Discuss the science of motivation through the lens of modern research. After watching this, you will understand how to motivate all of your students.
- Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs a Champion – One of my all-time favorite inspirational videos for teachers. Every student needs an advocate is its primary message.
- “Kid President’s Pep Talk to Teachers and Students” – Who doesn’t like motivational messages from the kid president. Excellent pep talk.
- Math class needs a makeover – The way that we currently teach students mathematics is ineffective. In this video, Dan shows you how to change this.
- How to learn? From mistakes – The speaker discusses the three key things that she learned about teaching. They may seem mundane, but there are compelling nonetheless.
- My daughter, Malala – Ziauddin Yousafzai, Malala’s dad, reminds the world that everyone has a right to quality education. Excellent talk, from an inspirational man who fought to have his daughter education, even under threat of death.