YouTube Rises Above All Else in Learner Learning at Home

The Internet has provided its fair share of solutions to existing communication and accessibility problems, although often creating more problems in the process. The different applications for its use have certainly been a boon for the education sector. But this has become even clearer during the global pandemic.
With most learners opting to stay at home in isolation rather than risk infection, online learning has seen an all-time high popularity. Most learners have openly embraced numerous internet-based education solutions.
Because there are many school-centric applications available for almost anyone to use, it may come as a surprise to learn that one of the Internet’s longest-running social media platforms has risen above all else in online learning.
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How Has YouTube Dominated Online Learning?
The extraneous circumstances surrounding the early stages of the global coronavirus pandemic (during the March-April period) forced many learners and educators alike into lockdown, subsequently requiring both groups to adapt to a sudden shift in the schooling landscape.
Although most educators immediately sought out internet-based educational applications for solutions, learners also took it upon themselves to find their own. This produced a surge in users across different learning platforms.
However, although the lockdown has proven great for such websites and applications, the long-running internet mainstay, YouTube, quickly asserted itself as dominant above all other learning applications.
Amid the global chaos, the time learners invested in the application doubled, and then some. In contrast, an estimated 84% of the other applications they used were educational. This has proven to be both a gift and a curse for educators and learners alike.
The Benefits of YouTube for Learning
YouTube is an entirely free service that anyone with both an Internet connection and a free YouTube account can access and use at their leisure. This means that most people are granted the same opportunities as others, and the site and its users provide a plethora of resources at one’s disposal.
The Downsides of YouTube and Learning
Of course, not everything on YouTube – as opposed to Google Classroom and various other education technology applications – is strictly educational. Therefore, it is all too easy for some learners to become more distracted than ever.
For educators, this also means that many of their learners will be spending more time on YouTube instead of completing their assignments.
Other Popular Online learning Resources
Besides YouTube, numerous other applications and sites have seen an influx of users. Here is a shortlist of some of the most popular:
YouTube has proven to be a double-edged sword regarding online learning. However, a healthy balance of time spent on the app and applying the things one learns will benefit learners.
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