Tips for Presenting Your Lessons

Check out our list of tips for presenting your lessons.
Provide important announcements from one spot in the room. Lower your voice. Wait until you have learners’ attention. Once you have something that learners really need to listen to, stand in the same spot, wait, and talk to the learners in a voice that is softer than normal. They will soon realize that when you walk to that place, all eyes and ears need to pay attention to essential info. For instance, you will stand in that area when you announce changes in a project’s requirements or an upcoming test or event.
As soon as possible, begin to display learner work in the school year. Elementary schools are busy with work that shows what learners are learning. Middle school and high school educators should also display proper projects. Ask to utilize the media center or cafeteria to show larger projects.
Deliver instructions orally and write them in a handout or on the board. Some learners are primarily visual learners, and other learners are primarily auditory learners.
Distinctly state instructions in a step-by-step or bulleted format. Learners cannot begin a lesson or will start with wrong assumptions if the directions are not simple, concise, and clear. Be available to craft your lesson plan in an easy-to-follow format.
Appeal to your learners’ five senses to enhance the learning process. Once learners can divide a pie in eighths, they more readily understand the concept of division. Once learners experience hot and cold changes in a lab experiment, they learn the rules of thermodynamics.
Tape yourself teaching a lesson. This can be painful, but you will also be able to see the annoying tics, “ums,” and the lack of movement. Utilize this info to help your overall presentation in the class.