New Teacher Tip: Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination works as a virus that slowly engulfs you. It can have devastating effects on your growth and career. Putting off any task that you have to accomplish is a habit that can actually make you lose a lot of time.
When you put off a task, you are leaving something incomplete. The feeling that you have not successfully completed something can nag you subconsciously. This can become a feeling that does not allow you to concentrate completely on the task at hand. While this phenomenon may not be obvious, procrastination does lead to bad time management as well.
As the work piles up, stress levels also increase. So whether it is calling a parent and discussing a difficult child, writing the narratives on the report card, or a long-term project like planning a school event, it is a good idea to take the bull by the horns and begin the work. Here are some tips that can help you:
• Make a list of all the tasks that you have been postponing for some time. Try and identify whether these tasks have something in common. Doing this will help you determine the specific kind of jobs that you tend to postpone. Is it that you postpone tasks that have no deadline or those that involve doing something that you are uncomfortable with?
• Keep a list of all the tasks that you need to do and prioritize them. Tell yourself that jumping the priority list is not allowed.
• Finally, reward yourself with something that you like when you complete each task. Take a break and sip a hot refreshing cappuccino before you start the next thing, take a walk, or simply pause to look out the window; rewards, both big and small, can help you stay motivated and focused.
The biggest hurdle in tackling procrastination is identifying the root cause of the procrastination. Once you have identified the cause, you shall be able to address the issue directly and consciously.