Learning Apps for 12-year olds

Are you looking for learning apps, tools, and resources that you can use with 12-year olds? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed.
Khan Academy– Khan Academy has more than 40,000 interactive Common Core-aligned practice questions and above 10,000 videos and explanations in economics, history, math, and more. This is the best study app and tutoring app for students of all ages who are struggling in science and other subjects. You can easily bookmark your best content to “Your List,” which can be used offline when you’re not connected to the Internet.
Mindprint Learning – This is a comprehensive tool that uses game-based and timed activities to test children’s strengths and weaknesses, types of memory, processing speed, attention, flexible thinking, verbal and abstract reasoning, and spatial perception. It uses tests that progressively get harder until they are too hard for the children to complete. Test data is sent to a psychologist for review, and feedback is returned after one week with reports and student profiles. This tool also provides materials to help children develop in areas where weaknesses are perceived.
Social Adventures – This app is useful for children with social awkwardness and those on the Autism spectrum. It has activities, games, and cartoon descriptions of social interactions using social catchphrases that children can memorize to interact with their peers. Social Adventures covers seven core areas of social interactions: initiating social contact, maintaining conversations, advocating and compromising, getting regulated, interpreting nonverbal skills, negotiating space, and experiencing humor.
Sworkit Kids – Sworkit Kids is an exercise app designed primarily for elementary and middle school children, but it can be adopted by older people too. It trains children about vital body concepts such as agility, flexibility, and balance. It combines interval training with randomized exercises, so that workout sessions are never repetitive. The app comes with a default workout regime with 24 activities; users can choose how long the workout lasts. You can also create custom routines or use other popular workouts.
Marble Math– With Marble Math, children aged nine through twelve will learn mental math and solve math problems. With mazes, marbles, and math, your child can have hours of fun and become a math genius at the same time. There are puzzles and fun around each turn in the maze, so never be afraid to forge ahead. The app also allows you to go back to previous problems and redo them if needed.
GameStar Mechanic– GameStar Mechanic, which was created for seven- to fourteen-year-olds, can be used by anyone. It is a community and a game developed to introduce principles of game design and systems in a highly interactive environment. The features included in this app makes it easier for kids to play it alone or with their parents.
Smiling Mind– Developed by educators and psychologists, Smiling Mind is a mindfulness meditation program. It has both a web and app-based interface dedicated to helping people deal with the pressure and stress of everyday life. There are a variety of tailored programs for different age groups and challenges, including sports, mindfulness in the classroom, 7-9 year olds, 10-12 year olds, 13-15 year olds, and 16-18 year olds. Smiling Mind’s app allows you to track progress and offers a variety of different meditation lengths to meet your students’ individual needs.
Quandary– Welcome to the world of Planet Braxos, a science fiction, narrative-driven game for mobile devices. Users play as the captain of the new human settlement on planet Braxos, shaping the direction of modern civilization and developing ethical reasoning skills. This educational game involves many diverse characters with differing perspectives designed to make the game challenging and enlightening. Users learn to solve conflicts by exploring different facts, options, and opinions as a means of solving the colony’s problems. Quantary is designed for kids age 8 to 16 years old; however, it is a game that can be played by anyone.
Co-ordinates– This app incorporates practical tasks with the teacher’s participation and can be used for children between ages 5 and 14. It introduces five key areas that are needed to read maps; these skills are intended to acquaint students with the prerequisites for map reading. The app also serves as an introduction to linear equations.