Interactive Chats on Nepris Show Students How Products Are Developed by OtterBox

Starting November 4, OtterBox will introduce students to the product development cycle in a series of interactive online sessions being held at Nepris brings professionals and experts in STEM (and the Arts) into the classrooms through interactive sessions hosted on its online platform.
During this month’s product innovation series, students can talk with engineers and marketing pros about the product lifecycle and how new products are brought to market. Students will be able to ask questions and interact with the OtterBox engineering and marketing team live.
- Innovation: Nov. 4, 9:15-10:00 a.m. PT
- Engineering: Nov. 7, 2016 9:15-10:00 a.m. PT
- Marketing: Nov. 9, 2016 9:15-10:00 a.m. PT
- Retail Sales: Nov. 10, 2016 9:15-10:00 a.m. PT
Teachers with a full Nepris license can participate in the entire series. Teachers who are new to the system can participate in one of the OtterBox product innovation series for free, or they can request one session of their choice, meaning that Nepris will match them up with a professional who can speak on the topic of the teacher’s choosing. With a full license or a free license, teachers can view unlimited archived sessions on a wide range of topics from how to write a book, to a virtual field trip of a hospital operating room, to learning how planes create aerial maps.
Each OtterBox session will also include information about the OtterBox uniVERSE Student Challenge, which is a contest open to students in grades 7-12, aged 13-18. Students are asked to invent a new module idea for the uniVERSE Case System for a chance to win a new iPhone and a VIP trip to OtterBox in Fort Collins, Colo. Three winning student’s schools will receive grant funding towards an innovation station.