Having Conversations Around Reading
This approach allows for “mini bursts” of conversation built around reading. Per the educator’s directions, the conversation will occur at a designated time, such as per paragraph, page, stanza, section, and so on. Once the reading has taken place, the conversation takes place. The purpose of the conversation is to clear up any confusion, talk about a powerful point from the reading, talk about a point that raises a question, and so on.
When working with this approach, there should be a pairing or a triad. When the pairs or triads are made, each person reads each section aloud, then “says something” to the group that others respond to, or all learners can read silently, and a designated person must start the “Say Something” process.
Before the “Say Something” approach is used, post and review the directions/rules before beginning.
Rules for “Say Something”
1. With your partner(s), determine who will say something first.
2. When you say something, do one or more of the following:
a. ask a question
b. clarify something you misunderstood
c. make a comment
d. make a connection, state something you found important
3. If you can’t do one of these five things, then you need to reread.
4. Your partner(s) should comment on what you have shared, by doing one of the following:
a. answering your question or asking a follow-up question
b. making an additional comment or connection
c. helping to clarify understanding the content/meaning