Best Resources and Tools for a College Freshman

This guest post is written by Robert Morris, an educator from New York. He is passionate about edtech, education and literature. His articles appeared on Lifehack, Edudemic and Bigthink. Circle Robert on Google+!
So you enrolled in college and your first term began successfully? Congratulations! You have a lot to celebrate since the following four years will probably be the most memorable ones in your life. However, college also brings many responsibilities.
You will face unexpected changes that can shake the foundation of your self-esteem. To help you go through this revolutionary year of your life like a champ, we have created a list of essential resources that every college freshman should know.
27 Money Tips for College Students – Before you apply for a college credit card, you need to learn how to take care of your finances by yourself. Budget planning may not be your idea of college fun, but you have to tackle the new responsibilities as a grownup. This article featured at provides valuable tips on money management for students.
Ninja Essays – If you thought academic writing was difficult when you were in high school, wait until you start college! You will need to write essays, term papers, case studies, research papers, and dozens of other types of content for all classes you take. A freshman can easily get frantic when there is so much work to be done. Bookmark essay writing help site, since you will definitely need its assistance during college. At this website, you can hire professional writers to help you with any academic project you get stuck with.
Investing 101 Course – If you want to save money and be financially stable, you need to learn a thing or two about investing. If your college doesn’t offer an investing course, then you should definitely consider gaining such knowledge through an online course. Investing 101 is an easy program provided at It will help you understand the principles of investing and start getting into the market through safe steps.
Discover it Card – This is one of the best credit cards for students in terms of beneficial fees, rates, and cash back incentives. You will get 5%-20% cashback bonus through the company’s online shopping mall, as well as other bonuses that will inspire you to use the card responsibly. You will get through the entire application procedure within minutes.
Dorm Room Checklist – Moving into a dorm room is more difficult than you can imagine. You will have to create an entirely new living space from scratch, and many things you were used to will be missing. This checklist provided by will help you prepare all essentials for campus and get your baggage ready on time.
The College Crush – How to Actually Date In College – Your love life will drastically change as soon as you start college. is a valuable website that will teach you how college dating works. There are plenty of useful articles you can read before the first semester starts, but you should start with How to Actually Date In College.
How Much Do The Top Income Earners Make – Even if you are not motivated by money, you surely want to choose a rewarding career that will ensure a bright future for you and your family. This article featured at will help you determine whether your interests are worth fighting for or you should consider going for a more promising major.
The most important tip is: Don’t forget to have fun!
Being a college freshman can be a frightening experience if your expectations are too great. You will have to study a lot and write endless pages of academic content before the end of the term. However, that shouldn’t prevent you from meeting new friends and having fun as every other freshman should. You don’t want to remember the best years of your life by spending the entire time with your computer and piles of books. There are many adventures waiting to be experienced, so don’t forget that you need to have fun along the way.