Augmentative & Alternative Communication Teaching and Learning Apps That You Will Love
Are you searching for augmentative & alternative communication products that you can use with your learners? Check out the definitive list that we made. Who did we miss?
Claro Assistive Technologies– ClaroCom is an iOS product for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). It uses text as a proxy for speech for people who have speech production difficulties. It can be utilized by kids learning to read and adults with problems reading. Text-to-speech edition is also available.
Proloquo2Go– Proloquo2Go is an augmentative and alternative communication product that uses signs and symbols to give a voice to people with communication disabilities. It uses pictures to help users pick the words that match their specific state of mind and thoughts. A grown-up can help a kid to personalize the product to fit his or her individual needs, creating a better experience.