5 Study Tips: The Strategies that Set Top Students Apart

Students who succeed do things differently than their peers, especially with studying. It may seem that top students are outliers, but what they have is in the reach of every student. Believe it or not, studying is a skill that you can practice and become good at, which will help you get good grades and a high GPA. All it takes is a little research and a little motivation. If you’re interested in boosting your study skills and joining the ranks of the top students at your school, here are a few tips that will help.
Get Organized
The first thing you should do to get ready to study is to make sure you are organized. When you go to class, keep your notes and paper materials tidy and separate from other classes. Try using an expandable folder to keep assignments readily available. You can label each section of the folder to make sure you know where everything is. When it comes time to study or do homework, everything should be at your fingertips.
Using organizational apps like calendars on your phone will also help ensure that you know when tests are scheduled and when assignments are due.
Handwritten Notes
We know; typing out notes on your computer may be faster than handwriting. But consider this: the act of handwriting notes helps your brain remember the material much better than if you are typing it out. Take advantage of the way your brain learns and recalls information and keep that pencil and paper out during class.
Review, review, review!
As you may have discovered already, this list is for making sure studying becomes a habit that gets easier over time. Cramming and all-nighters before a test are the least helpful way to study. Make sure you don’t have to resort to these activities by reviewing class material often. Set some time each day to review materials for a specific class (science on Monday, math on Tuesday, etc.). If that doesn’t work for you, set aside a larger chunk of time to read over all your notes every week. The more often you look at the material, the more your brain will be familiar with it.
Choose a Spot
Choosing a place to study is an important part of the study process. You’ll want to choose a place that has minimal distractions. Find a place where you can stay focused. A local café or library are great choices. Remember that if you stay home to study, you’ll face many distractions like the TV, the fridge, pets, etc. If you do need to stay home to study, stay out of the bedroom where you’re more likely to feel comfortable and get distracted.
Turn the Phone Off
Speaking of distractions, your phone is one of the biggest interruptions you’ll face during study time. To eliminate this, turn your phone off and put it away. Every notification you receive will draw your mind out of the task at hand. If turning your phone off makes you uncomfortable or you need to use it during your study, turn off notifications for nonessential apps like social media.
Concluding Thoughts
Studying doesn’t have to be a drag. Top students know that studying is a skill, and the more you practice, the better you’ll be at it. Join the ranks of top students by following the above tips and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get into good study habits and get good grades.