33 Tweets About Every Parent’s Least-Favorite Activity: Slime

1. My kids are making slime. I’m already plotting my escape to a quiet room with a glass of wine. #sendhelp 🍷
2. The only thing more slippery than slime is the promise that they’ll clean it up themselves. #slimshame #neveragain
3. I love my kids, but slime is the most disgusting, sticky, gooey, and utterly pointless thing I’ve ever encountered. #parentalrant #neverendingmess
4. Just watched my child proudly announce “Look, Mom, I made slime!” as a massive blob of green goo dripped onto the carpet. Sigh #thestruggleisreal
5. The only thing more satisfying than finally getting slime out of the carpet is watching them play with it for exactly 5 minutes before they get bored. #parenting #irony
6. Anyone else’s kids turn into little scientists the second they start making slime? “Mommy, I need blue food coloring, glitter, and unicorn dust!” #itneverends
7. I’m starting to think slime is a secret government plot to drive parents insane. #conspiracytheories #slimeisthenewbogeyman
8. My house smells like glue and glitter. It’s officially a slime factory. #sendwine #ormaybeacleaningcrew
9. Slime: the gift that keeps on giving. First, it’s a messy project. Then it’s a sticky mess. Then it’s a moldy mess. #parentingproblems
10. My therapist says I need to embrace the chaos of childhood. But I think slime is a clear and present danger to my sanity. #nofilter
11. “It’s just slime, Mom!” they say. “It’s just everywhere!” I scream. #parentlife #thestruggleisreal
12. Anyone else have a child who secretly uses slime to test the boundaries of gravity? #slimegravity #myhouseisacrazylab
13. If I have to hear “Mommy, can we make slime?” one more time, I swear I’m going to run away and join the circus. #pleasestop #itsokaytosayno
14. The only thing worse than making slime is trying to explain to your toddler why it can’t be in their bed. #stickyproblems
15. I’m starting to think the “no slime” rule in my house should be engraved in stone. #tooextremeseemslikeagoodthing
16. My kids are obsessed with slime. I’m obsessed with the thought of a house without it. #dreambig
17. Slime: it’s like a giant, gooey, colorful, sticky, messy, and totally addictive experiment. #sciencegonewrong
18. I’m pretty sure my toddler’s slime-making obsession is secretly a ploy to keep me from doing anything else. #sheknowsmyweakness
19. The best part about making slime is watching your kids get so excited about something you’re about to spend the next hour cleaning up. #ironyofparenthood
20. I’m convinced slime is a gateway drug to a whole world of sticky, gooey, messy fun. #helpme
21. My house is a giant, sticky, green, blue, and purple playground. Thanks, slime! #parentallife
22. If I see one more slime video on TikTok, I’m going to lose my mind. #tooearlyforhalloween
23. The only reason I tolerate slime is because it brings my kids so much joy. #lovemykids #evenwhentheymakeslime
24. I’m pretty sure my vacuum cleaner has developed a new fear: slime. #neverendingbattle
25. Slime is like the ultimate parenting test. If you can survive the slime storm, you can survive anything. #parentinggoals
26. I’m starting to think slime is the new glitter. #everywhereallthetime #itsneverending
27. If you want to see a parent’s true colors, tell them you’re making slime. #betrayal #noslime
28. The only thing worse than cleaning up slime is cleaning up slime that’s been left to dry for a week. #itbecomesarubberlikeentity #ew
29. My kids think slime is magic. I think it’s a curse. #thebattleforparenting
30. If you’re ever feeling lost and alone, just remember: every parent has been there with the slime. #youarenotalone
31. Slime is proof that kids are both amazing and terrifying. #parentinglife
32. I’m just waiting for the day when slime is considered a form of currency. #thenitwillbeworthit
33. But hey, at least it’s not play-doh. Right? #don’tgetmestarted #playdohhorrorstories