3 Steps to Becoming a Teacher in South Carolina
Want to become a teacher in the great state of South Carolina? If so, you have come to the right place. Below you will find a short article that lists the steps to becoming a teacher in South Carolina.
Step 1: Complete an Approved Teacher Preparation Program
To teach in the U.S., educators must hold at least an undergraduate degree. The state of Oregon also requires students to complete a state-approved teacher education program to receive certification. South Carolina has specific course requirements for educators. Teacher education programs usually consist of two elements: curriculum and field experiences.
The curriculum generally includes instruction on foundational skills, pedagogy (the science of teaching), and preparation for researching, creating, and implementing learning experiences in a field of study. Field experiences often include field observations, internships, student teaching, or a combination of all three. A list of sanctioned teacher education programs in South Carolina can be accessed by visiting the SCDE Approved Educator Programs page.
Step 2: Complete the Required Exams
Most U.S. states require exams to show competency in foundational skills and in the desired Subject Area. The state of South Carolina requires the PPST (Pre Professional Skills Test) for foundational skills to enter a teacher education program and the Praxis II: Subject Exams and the Praxis II PLT (Principles of Learning and Teaching) Test.
South Carolina issues an initial certificate ( for 3 years, can be renewed) to beginning teachers. To obtain an initial license. During that period, an educator must pass required the appropriate Praxis II PLT exams and participate in the state’s formal teacher evaluation system to advance to a professional certificate (renewable every 5 years). Find out more about getting your South Carolina teaching credential.
Step 3: Submit a South Carolina Teaching Credential Application
After you have finished all education, examination, and experience requirements, you are ready to apply for South Carolina educator certification. This can be done online or by downloading the Application for Educator Certificate and sending it in.