2023 Best Master’s Degree Programs in Business Law
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Deciding which college to attend can be a daunting task. For many, it will be the most important decision that they make in their lives. To make an informed decision, you have to consider a lot of variables, such as cost of attendance, financial aid, student-teacher ratio, academics, student life, and more. These factors will either positively or negatively impact the quality of education that you receive.
Do you want to acquire a master’s degree in business law but don’t know what institution you should attend? Well, if you are as ambitious as I was in my late teens, then you want to attend a top school, instead of an average or mediocre one. Fortunately, we have already done the legwork for you. To help you find the right school for your interests and goals, we’ve compiled a list of 2022’s best master’s in business law programs.
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- Duke University, Durham, NC
For learners who want to direct their careers toward international law, Duke University has a JD/Masters in Global Business Law degree. The three-year degree program requires two years spent at Duke and the final year to be spent in Paris. Learners graduate ready to sit for the French Bar exam. Additionally, learners will finish a prescribed course of study including civil procedure; legal analysis, research, and writing; constitutional law; and criminal law.
- Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law is an excellent place to study business law. It has a JD/MBA three-year degree program with a set of business law classes. But the program also has a business enterprise concentration. Learners will have the chance to partner with the Donald Pritzker Entrepreneurship Law Center. They will also take classes such as business associations, corporation finance, securities regulation, and basic federal income taxation.
- UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
UCLA Law has an LLM degree with a concentration in business law. Besides studying federal income taxation and business associations, learner have the chance to investigate the full spectrum of business law concepts. For example, electives include the study of cybersecurity law and policy, music industry law, international intellectual property, and contracts for foreign lawyers.
- Georgetown University, Washington, DC
At Georgetown, learners can earn an LLM degree in international business and economic law. The program is highly adaptable and customizable. Learners design their degree program of study, choosing from more than 70 classes. For learners who are interested in cross-border business practices on both national and international levels, this is a perfect degree program.
- Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Vanderbilt Law School has an LLM degree in law and business with a concentration in corporate law. This is a full-time degree program that trains learners in corporate law, finance, accounting, securities regulation, and corporate governance. Another choice is to earn a Certificate in Law and Business with the JD degree program.
- Loyola University, Los Angeles, CA
Learners can earn an MS degree in legal studies at Loyola Marymount and specialize in business law. In this program, students learn how to assess and manage risk, and they sharpen their problem-solving skills and develop leadership qualities. Classes include the study of corporate finance, licensing in an international context, cybercrime, and mergers and acquisitions.
- George Washington University, Washington, DC
While learners earn an LLM degree from George Washington University, they specialize in business law. This program consists of 16 credits of coursework in business law in addition to the required core studies. This is an excellent degree program for learners who want both a broad law degree with the choice of taking specialized coursework such as venture capital law, regulation of derivatives, e-commerce, and creditors’ rights and debtors’ protection.
- Boston College, Newton Centre, MA
Boston College’s LLM degree program enables learners to pursue a concentration in business and commercial law. Graduates from BC Law School have gone on to obtain high profile careers in private practices, legal scholarship, government agencies, and international organizations.
- University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Learners can obtain an LLM degree in business and corporate law from the University of San Diego that will provide a foundation in business. Learners develop expertise in US business practices and get an international scope on the relationship between international law and business. Classes include the study of taxation, labor and employment, corporate finance, and intellectual property.
- Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Northeastern’s LLM degree program gives learners a unique chance to concentrate in international business law. In addition to core classes covering corporations, international business transactions, trade law, and law and economic development, learners can take specialized classes such as:
- Global AIDS policy seminary
- Immigration law
- Human rights and the global economy
- Negotiation
- Case Western University, Cleveland, OH
As learners obtain an LLM degree from Case Western, they build a robust foundation in international business law and refine their writing and communication methods. Case Western’s degree program emphasizes development, giving graduates the confidence to apply US business law and international business transactions to various scenarios. Classes include the study of business associations; US contract law; US legal research, writing, and analysis; and US scholarly legal writing.
- University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Learners can obtain an LLM degree in global business law from the University of Washington. This degree program is for learners who want to broaden their knowledge of both US and international business law. Learners graduate as business professionals with a markedly international view on the nuances of legislation and law. In the program, learners investigate concepts such as Chinese law, consumer bankruptcy, theories and tools for combating corruption, and international and foreign law research.
- Loyola University, Chicago, IL
The LLM in Business Law degree program at Loyola University in Chicago covers contemporary business issues as well as a holistic study of law. Indeed, learners get insight into business organization and planning, international trade, business technology, corporate counseling, and much more. Learners can also investigate niche areas of business law, such as:
- Art law
- Anatomy of a deal
- Construction law
- Corporate transactions in health law
- Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Though learners will take classes online through IU’s distance education degree program, their first year in the LLM degree program requires residence. Learners will also select either a thesis or non-thesis path, both of which allow them to investigate business and commercial law exhaustively.