2023 Best Colleges and Universities in Maryland
If you are seeking an education from a top institute of higher education, you may wish to explore what Maryland had to offer.
These are the top five 2022 best colleges and universities in Maryland.
Loyola University Maryland – If you’re looking for one of the best schools in the northern United States, this Jesuit school is ranked at #5. Loyola is well-known for its engineering and business programs, and it’s also considered a best-value school. There are three schools within this university: education, arts and sciences, and business and management. More than half the students receive financial aid, with an average award of $21,247. Annual tuition and fees at Loyola cost $49,085.
Johns Hopkins University – This school is a top choice for many students who wish to study bioengineering, neuroscience, or cellular and molecular biology. As the #10 school in the nation, Johns Hopkins focuses on nine areas of study, including public health, education, business, engineering, and medicine. The university offers more than 260 programs, and innovation is at the core of every discipline. The school requires that freshman and sophomore live on campus, but upperclassmen could easily find themselves studying abroad in Italy or China. Annual tuition and fees cost $53,740, and the school accepts only 12% of students who apply for admission.
United States Naval Academy – Ranked as 22nd in the nation (tied) among liberal arts colleges, the United States Naval Academy offers a Bachelor of Science degree. The academy has built a rigorous engineering program. All students enrolled here are considered midshipmen, and they earn a commission in the United States Navy as an ensign upon graduation. The student population is 73% male. Candidates for admission must be recommended to the program, and often this nomination comes from a congressman. Tuition and fees are free.
Mount St. Mary’s University – This is a Catholic school that requires students to learn Catholic theology, liberal arts, and ethics, as well as a few other disciplines. Students are encouraged to become problem-solvers and leaders in their chosen fields. This school is considered a best-value college as well as a best university for veterans. Mount St. Mary’s is ranked #41 among regional universities in the north. Annual tuition costs approximately $41,350.
Hood College – Tied for #43 among regional colleges in the north, Hood offers small class sizes and generous financial aid packages. Four out five students attending Hood report being satisfied with the educational program and quality of teaching, and the school has been recognized as an excellent choice for veterans as well as providing outstanding value. Tuition and fees cost an average of $37,492 annually.
These excellent colleges and universities in Maryland help students prepare for careers that include service and leadership.
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