2023 Best Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Aeronautics/Aviation

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Deciding which college to attend can be a daunting task. For many, it will be the most important decision that they make in their lives. To make an informed decision, you have to consider a lot of variables, such as cost of attendance, financial aid, student-teacher ratio, academics, student life, and more. These factors will either positively or negatively impact the quality of education that you receive.
Do you want to acquire a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics/aviation but don’t know what institution you should attend? Well, if you are as ambitious as I was in my late teens, then you want to attend a top school, instead of an average or mediocre one. Fortunately, we have already done the legwork for you. To help you find the right school for your interests and goals, we’ve compiled a list of 2022’s best bachelor’s in aeronautics/aviation programs.
What institution did we omit from this list? Leave your suggestions in the comment section below.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in polytechnic and STEM degrees. Around 11,000 learners attend the highly competitive MIT. Two aeronautics degree programs are offered by MIT; both programs cover the following topics: fluids and aerodynamics, thermodynamics, physics and dynamics, and electronic signals and systems. MIT has graduated dozens of Nobel laureates, Fields Medalists, MacArthur Fellows, and astronauts. MIT is rated among the top five best schools in the nation.
- Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA
Georgia Tech’s Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering has a BS degree program that couples coursework with lab and research experience. Learners investigate everything from structural analysis to jet propulsion. Coursework includes the study of aerodynamics, introduction to avionics integration, and mechanical behavior of composites. Georgia Tech is rated among the top institutions in the United States and world.
- United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
The United States Naval Academy is one of the nation’s oldest service academies. It has developed an approved “technological institution” and has several degree programs across the STEM fields. Around 4,500 learners, or “midshipmen,” attend the United States Naval Academy.
Candidates who pursue a degree in aerospace engineering have two concentration options. Both are established on the same curriculum, which covers: principles of aerospace engineering, structural mechanics for aerospace engineers, mechanics and materials for aerospace engineers, and fundamentals of aerospace engineering.
- The United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
The United States Air Force Academy is a military academy and a great place to earn an aviation degree if you hope to fly for the Air Force. Around 4,300 learners, or cadets, attend the US Air Force Academy. This degree program gives learners a foundation in flight mechanics and aircraft design. Classes include aircraft dynamic stability and control, flight test techniques, aircraft feedback control systems, and aircraft engine design.
- Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Purdue’s BS in aviation management degree is outstanding. Learners can obtain both a BS degree and an MS degree in just five years. And they will be prepared for the Certified Member Exam from the American Association of Airport Executives. The school’s curriculum covers: basic aircraft science, aerospace vehicle propulsion and tracking systems, and aviation operations management.
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
A private, research-based institution, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s BS degree program in aeronautical engineering is equal parts fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and aerospace technology. At RPI, learners can study across subjects, exploring wind-turbine technology and hydrodynamic environments, among other subjects. Core classes cover fundamentals of flight, introduction to engineering analysis, strength of materials, and engineering processes.
- The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
OSU has a BS degree program in aviation, which is steeped in engineering foundations, aviation introductions, and technical applications. At OSU, learners can earn a Professional Pilot Specialization, which grants them a commercial pilot certificate. Classes include instrument flight fundamentals, air transportation analysis, advanced multi-engine operations, and airport management.
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide, Daytona Beach, FL
Embry-Riddle’s BS degree program in aeronautics allows learners to specialize in various area, such as aviation maintenance and unmanned aircraft systems. Each path prepares learners to take on different career roles such as becoming pilots, air traffic managers, meteorologists, and air safety controllers. Embry-Riddle is fully committed to aviation research and education and is one of the best aviation and aeronautical institutions in the world.
- Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Virginia Tech’s aerospace engineering degree program covers the aviation spectrum. Learners investigate flight dynamics, aerospace structures, propulsion, and aerodynamics. Unique to VT’s degree program is a dual major in ocean engineering, which has a distinctive curriculum that merges aero and hydrodynamics. Both the single and dual majors include core classes such as computational methods, fundamentals of flight training, and exploration of the space environment.
- San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
San Jose State University’s proximity to Silicon Valley has established the institution as a leader in all things tech, science, and innovation. Around 33,000 learners attend SJSU. The BS in aviation degree is notably hands-on and career-focused. The degree program readies its learners for careers in commercial flight and more. There are four areas of concentration: professional flight, operations, aviation management, and maintenance management. San Jose State is a member of the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, and NASA has helped fund many of the institution’s research projects.