20 Great Space Books to Celebrate National Astronomy Day
It’s practically impossible to not be enthralled by the enigmatic universe’s vastness. Here are 20 children’s books about space, ranging from astronaut chickens to the verdict on the contentious dwarf planet Pluto, to mark National Astronomy Day (September 30) and pique readers’ curiosity in elementary and middle school about other planets.
For the kid who has traveled the world, it’s Harold and the Purple Crayon. Smartly done graphics show various moon phases from the Eiffel Tower to the Rain Forest as they follow the shadows of a sweet and lively girl all around the globe.
In this interplanetary retelling of the Three Little Pigs, the mother of young alien siblings Bork, Gork, and Nklxwcyz send them out into space to find their own homes. She doesn’t let them leave without warning: beware of the comet chomping, black hole ripping, Big Bad Robot.
Zelda will undoubtedly become the foremost chicken in orbit. She does not have much assistance from her chicken friends with her arrangements, like in classic renditions of The Little Red Hen. She persists in holding onto her dazzling goal despite everything.
Disorder in the universe results from a renegade spacecraft invading Astro, the Astroid’s “personal outer space,” and knocking him out of rotation.
In his quiet, engrossing biography, spaceman Chris Hadfield describes how, as a little boy, he watched the transmission of the Apollo 11 Lunar mission. The momentous occasion altered Chris’s life, which gave him the courage to follow his ambition of being an investigator of the “Darkest Dark.”
Occasionally, protagonists don tight dresses and oversized eyewear. Everyone will be inspired by this narrative to become top-notch NASA software engineers.
This compilation of information about the lunar surface, celestial bodies, and exoplanets welcome young astronomy fans to linger over its chapters with its large-sized photos and all the engaging factual text elements characteristic of a National Geographic Kids volume.
Following a voyage with 18 laboratory mice, astronaut Mark Kelly conjured up this story about a courageous tiny rat saving a space expedition. Readers who love the fictitious tale might be motivated to learn more about creature cosmonauts in the actual world.
“Welcome to Astronaut School!” This manual includes every step leading up to Blast Off, from developing teamwork skills to practicing on the Vomit Comet.
The ideal source of lyrical creativity is a trip through the vastness of the cosmos. Each segment of the journey is explained in a subsection.
A summertime visit to her grandparents’ ranch takes an unforeseen twist when a meteorite falls in the field, upsetting the simple routine, according to the legendary writer’s first children’s story to be released.
This National Science Teachers Association book discusses the causes of the moon’s fluctuating form in a manner that encourages youngsters to go out and take a glance. It was produced by a retired educator on a quest to convince schoolchildren that objects they see often can be amazing. The NSTA also provides materials for teachers in this area.
What transportation would you use to reach Mars if you could go there one day? What would you dress like when you eventually reached “the red planet”? In the end, nothing could ever match becoming the first child on Mars.
As their relative Marie talks about her preparation for a voyage to the Spacecraft, Lucy and Tim pay close attention to whatever she says. Her siblings start daydreaming of their potential occupations concerning space after having a webcam conference with Marie on the ISS.
The moonwalks that Buzz Aldrin performed in front of the world are his greatest accomplishments. What made him achieve that, though? He relates his experience along with exquisite drawings by Wendell Minor, from rock gathering to West Point.
Drawings that add metallic constellations to images of fabled characters like Andromeda and Orion add depth to what, let’s admit it, sometimes appears to be just a haphazard collection of lights. This group of constellations is illuminated by a few succinct but memorable tales.
How is the full moon celebrated and honored in different ethnicities? Learn more from this compilation of poetry and the contextual knowledge that goes with them.
Discover why you would not want to carry a can of Coke and how to manage your 2 pounds of permitted baggage if you ever go on a cosmic trip. This booklet makes space flight seem even more enjoyable than Disney Land, notwithstanding its several difficulties.
As part of a school project, Mamie, age 10, decides to talk to Michael Collins rather than Buzz Aldrin or Neil Armstrong because Collins was the cosmonaut on Apollo 11 who was responsible for sticking to the spacecraft. Since nobody else in her existence appears to stay, she starts to depend on her writing letters.
For Dash,12, being among the foremost children to live on the lunar surface is honestly rather dull. However, when a researcher is found deceased, existence on Moon Base Alpha turns unexpectedly.