What Is a Prepositional Verb?

A prepositional verb is an idiomatic phrase that blends a verb and a preposition to make up a new verb with a distinctive meaning. Some illustrations of prepositional verbs are care for, long for, apply for, approve of, add to, resort to, result in, count on, and deal with.
Verbs with Prepositions: TO
- Adapt to
- Add to
- Agree to
- Apologize to
- Belong to
- Consent to
- Devote to
- Happen to
- Lead to
- Listen to
- Object to
- React to
- Refer to
- Reply to
- Speak to
- Talk to
- Turn to
Verbs + Prepositions: FOR
- Admire for
- Apologize for
- Apply for
- Ask for
- Blame for
- Care for
- Excuse for
- Head for
- Long for
- Pay for
- Pray for
- Prepare for
- Scold for
- Search for
- Vote for
- Wait for
- Wish for
- Work for
Verbs + Prepositions: FROM
- Abstain from
- Borrow from
- Escape from
- Graduate from
- Hide from
- Infer from
- Prevent from
- Prohibit from
- Protect from
- Recover from
- Rescue from
- Resign from
- Retire from
- Save from
- Separate from
- Stem from
- Suffer from
Verbs with Prepositions: ON
- Agree on
- Base on
- Be on
- Blame on
- Comment on
- Concentrate on
- Congratulate on
- Count on
- Depend on
- Elaborate on
- Impose on
- Insist on
- Play on
- Pride on
- Rely on
- Work on
Verb Preposition Collocations: AT
- Aim at
- Arrive at
- Glance at
- Guess at
- Hint at
- Laugh at
- Look at
- Marvel at
- Peer at
- Point at
- Smile at
- Stare at
- Wink at
Verb + Preposition: ABOUT
- Argue about
- Ask about
- Be about
- Boast about
- Care about
- Concern about
- Decide about
- Dream about
- Forget about
- Know about
- Laugh about
- Protest about
- Think about
- Worry about
Verbs + Prepositions: WITH
- Acquaint with
- Agree with
- Associate with
- Charge with
- Clutter with
- Coincide with
- Collide with
- Compare with
- Comply with
- Confront with
- Confuse with
- Cover with
- Cram with
- Deal with
- Discuss with
- Help with
- Tamper with
- Trust with
Verbs with Prepositions: IN
- Absorb in
- Arrive in
- Be engrossed in
- Believe in
- Confide in
- Implicate in
- Involve in
- Participate in
- Result in
- Specialize in
- Succeed in
- Trust in