Test-Taking Tips and Tricks

Tests are an integral part of the curriculum. It does not matter whether it is a small test at the end of a chapter or a major test at the end of the school term or semester, preparation is needed. It is necessary to study systematically to be ready for a test and be successful.
Make a Plan and Start Early
Scientific research shows that it is best to start studying early. You must prepare for the test in stages. Study for some time, then give rest to your brain and resume your studies after a gap.
Usually, a simple plan to get ready for a test includes:
Step 1 – Study.
Step 2 – Do a sample test.
Step 3 – Identify the areas in which you need to improve.
Step 4 – Study once again.
Step 5 – Do a sample test once again.
Gather Your Material
If you are getting ready for a big exam, collect all the things such as notes, handouts, old tests, and assignments. Arrange them in order according to their dates. Underline the keywords, concepts, and formulas in your class notes.
Find a Partner or Study Group
Try to find a partner with whom you can compare notes. See if any material or information is missing and get it from your partner. You can even invent and play learning games. Meet your partner at least once to study together. If it is not possible to meet personally, then contact each other online. If possible, join a Study Tips or Homework forum online.
Do Practice Tests
Take out all your old tests and get their photocopies. Prepare the best answers to those questions and learn them. Then try to answer the old tests without seeing the answers. Keep using the old test questions as practice tests until you can answer all the questions correctly.
You can also invent your practice tests for definitions and fill-in-the-blank type of questions. Or ask the other students in the group to make their tests, then pass it on to each other.
Collect your previous assignments and do them once again. Look at the practice exercises given after each chapter in your textbook. Write answers for them again and again until you can answer them without making any mistakes.
Use Several Textbooks
To study for a science or math exam, use a study guide or another textbook for the topics you have learned in class. You can buy used books from stores that sell second-hand material or get them from a library. Various textbooks provide different explanations for the same concepts. You can understand a concept better by reading about it in several books. Moreover, they also give new questions about the same topic.
Think of New Essay Questions Concentrate on themes for theory classes, literature, history, and political science. Go through your notes and mark the material that is suitable for essay questions. Try to think of the terms, events, and themes that can be compared and prepare essay questions. You can also ask your partner or members of your group to think of new essay questions and share them with you.