Tag: edtechchat
My Vision for the Future of Neuroscience in Education
Researchers are uncovering how the human brain functions, learns and stores memory. The implications of this work have the potential to create disruptive change. Still in ... -
A Vision of the Future of Higher Education
Every new generation sees changes in the landscape of higher education, but the essential tenets have always remained the same. Students live in dorms or student ... -
My Vision for the Future of Education Leadership
Education leadership is changing, and so must our perception of what it is to be a leader. My vision for the future of education leadership places ... -
What Are the Pros and Cons of EdTech in the Classroom?
No matter how much value edtech adds to your classroom, there will always be skeptics hovering close by. On the flip side, if you’ve never been ... -
9 Ways to Tell If a New App Is Ready For Classroom Use
At last count, there were over 80,000 educational apps available to teachers. While many of these may be a dream come true for educators, the dizzying ... -
How Edtech Companies Can Turn Threats into Opportunities
You’ve done your SWOT analysis, and now you have a list of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The threats can seem especially overwhelming, especially if ... -
Want to Build an Educational App? Read This First
Teacher-made materials have always been a part of classrooms. That’s because teachers can see better than anyone else what students need to understand a concept, especially ... -
What Is the Best Time of the Year to Sell to Schools?
Selling your edtech products directly to schools is a big undertaking. If successful, school and district sales can be the breakthrough for your edtech startup. However, ... -
How Edtech Companies Should Go About Pricing Their Products
While your company goals may include improving student performance and providing quality services, your edtech startup still needs to turn a profit. Every startup gains funding ... -
A Vision for the Future of Virtual Reality in Education
Virtual Reality (VR) is slowly taking over our entertainment industry. But what are the implications for other areas of our lives, such as business, health, and ...