Tag: edreform
Tax credits, school choice and ‘neovouchers’: What you need to know
Kevin Welner, University of Colorado As Republican lawmakers craft a tax reform bill, there’s speculation on the import taxes, value-added taxes and tax cuts it may ... -
Is charter school fraud the next Enron?
Preston Green III, University of Connecticut In 2001, Texas-based energy giant Enron shocked the world by declaring bankruptcy. Thousands of employees lost their jobs, and investors ... -
How math education can catch up to the 21st century
Mary E. Pilgrim, Colorado State University and Thomas Dick, Oregon State University In 1939, the fictional professor J. Abner Pediwell published a curious book called “The ... -
20 of the Best Virtual Reality Games in Education
As the edtech market explodes, established companies and startups are scrambling to be the first to take advantage of the “next big thing.” For many, that ... -
Year-Round Schools: 10 Things That You Should Know
The United States is known for a lot of things, but a superior educational system is not one of them. Throughout most of America, schools have ... -
How to Implement a Year Round Schooling System
Do you feel year-round schools would be a good choice for your district? The article that follows offers information on how to transition to a year-round ... -
18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing
Once upon a time, enthusiasts designed a formal education system to meet the economic demands of the industrial revolution. Fast forward to today and, with the ... -
Alma Takes Personalized Learning to the Next Level with Student Choice
The idea that no two students learn in exactly the same way or have the same interests is nothing new. Even back in the 1800s, educators ... -
There’s more than practice to becoming a world-class expert
D. Zachary Hambrick, Michigan State University and Fredrik Ullén, Karolinska Institute Some people are dramatically better at activities like sports, music and chess than other people. ... -
4 Ways to Improve Parent Involvement in K-12 Learning
By Matthew Lynch Students benefit when there are parent-school partnerships surrounding their school work. However, it is not always easy to promote such a culture of ...