Pres. Obama announces $1 billion early education investment

President Obama has announced $1 billion in early education investments that will come from a combination of public and private commitments. Speaking at the White House Summit on Early Education, the President laid out the details for Invest in US, a public awareness campaign meant to bring attention to the great need for high quality early childhood education throughout the country. The campaign will run in partnership with the First Five Years initiative and its participating philanthropic organizations.
The President said that $333 million has already been committed by private partners, and another $750 million in federal funding will go towards programs like Early Head Start and the Preschool Development Grants.
The President has been a staunch supporter of stronger early childhood education programs with federal backing since he first took office. This move represents more than just rhetoric, however. It shows the President’s commitment to putting plans in motion to give American children, regardless of income, a chance to reap the proven benefits of early childhood endeavors.
“There’s still too many children in America that enter school not ready to learn, including more than half of disadvantaged children. That’s why government at all levels, business leaders, philanthropy and the early childhood community must come together and continue to make investments that give all kids a strong start,” said Kris Perry, the director of the First Five Years Fund.
The first step to having K-12 students who are able to meet the academic demands of the contemporary classroom is to enroll those students first in strong preschool programs — and that starts with making it affordable for all families.