How to Renew or Reinstate a Teachers License in Delaware

Renewal of Teaching Certification
Once you possess your Initial License to teach in Delaware, you will also obtain your Standard License(s) after passing the appropriate Praxis II tests and completing 15 PD credit hours in each area of licensure. The initial license with a standard licensure is good for 3 years. During this time, you have to finish a mentoring program aligned with national standards and standards maintained by the DDOE. Mentoring activities have to be reported by you and by your mentor on the forms listed here.
After 3 years of teaching experience and completing a sanctioned mentoring program while working as an educator, you are eligible for a Continuing License. This license is good for 5 years. To renew your Continuing License, you have to complete 90 hours of PD during those 5 years. Half of these hours have to relate to your work with students. Document this activity on the Activity Documentation Form and submit it at the time of license renewal. Options for PD can be found here (scroll down to the bottom of the page).
Standard Licenses are always good and not subject to renewal. Suppose at any time during the period of your teacher’s license you wish to apply for licensure in an additional endorsement area. In that case, you have to provide documentation of passing the necessary Praxis II assessments and completing 15 PD credit hours in that area. You can apply for additional licenses online.
Teaching Certification Reinstatement
If your Delaware teaching license lapsed less than 5 years ago, it might be possible to get it reinstated. You have to show completion of 90 hours of PD during the past 5 years. If you have not worked with that license, you have to complete a mentoring program within your first year of re-employment. If your license lapsed 5 years ago or more, you have to re-apply for an Initial License and meet all the current conditions for initial licensure.