How to Implement the Word Expert Cards Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom

The instructor makes a list of essential words before a novel or unit of study begins. Each student is assigned a few words and must complete the Word Expert Cardgraphic organizer (see next page) for each word. Learners teach words to each other.
Learning Outcomes
- Introduce word meanings
- Review word meanings
Make a list of essential vocabulary words that learners will encounter in the content, including the page or paragraph number. Assign learners to small groups of three to five. Inform the class that each learner will become an expert on a few words from the list and teach other learners in their small group. Every learner in the group follows these procedures for their assigned words:
- Use the page number to locate the word in the content.
- Copy the sentence that contains the word on the Word Expert Cardgraphic organizer (Click here to access all of our graphic organizer forms) inside the card.
- Use a dictionary to look up the meaning for each word and select the correct definition based on context.
- On the backside of the graphic organizer, write the definition in your own words and the part of speech.
- On the backside of the graphic organizer, write your sentence utilizing the word.
- Get the definition and your sentence okayed by the instructor for accuracy.
- On the right-hand side of the Word Expert Card, write the approved definition, part of speech, and content that the word appears in on the inside of the card.
- Write the vocabulary word on the right-hand side of the graphic organizer in large letters and draw an illustration of the word.
- Utilizing their Word Expert Cards, each student must explain his/her assigned words to the members of their group. Group members must locate each word in their content, read the sentence, and determine if the definition makes sense based on the context.