How to Implement the Turn Headings into Questions Teaching Strategy in Your Classroom
Before reading the content, learners develop their purpose for reading by creating questions based on the chapter title, section headings/subheadings, graphics, and/or topic sentences.
Learning Outcomes
- Preview text features
- Set a purpose for reading
- Ask and answer questions
- Stimulate interest and curiosity
- Learners preview the content and turn the headings, subheadings, graphics, and topic sentences into questions.
- Learners then read the passage with a purpose, finding the answers to their questions. Encourage learners to summarize the content in their own words and cite page and/or paragraph numbers.
- Explain that it is okay to let some questions go unanswered after learners read the content. What is essential is that they have generated a focus for their reading. Learners may be motivated to search for answers utilizing other sources.
- After learners finish the content, they can write a summary or answer a reflective question given by the instructor to extend their learning.